There have been numerous "Pandemics in History." This wider angle view of the human story in this broken place puts our current circumstances into perspective. There are many resources. See these two here:

What has been some "Christian Responses to Pandemics in History?" Again, there are so many resources. See this article that portrays the answer well:

We are in this together for God's greater purpose. Having a common enemy reinforces our shared humanity, and we should lean into this crisis together. Continue to pray for one another and for those in your circle of influence. As we pray for each other during the current COVID-19 pandemic, with all the questions and concerns surrounding it, we feel a profound sense of love and compassion for one another. May the Spirit of God deepen that work in each one of us for our families, friends & neighbours. Human extremity is God's opportunity for greater connection with His creation. To know and experience the presence of God through this season is an awesome privilege.

May we be bearing trouble trustfully. God really does have the whole world in His hands.

Finally, receive some "spiritual antiviral medicine" from God’s Word today:

Psalm 27

Psalm 46

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