The Power of Blessing - Part ONE

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There's a big difference between "you made a mistake" and "you are a mistake." Mistakes are things every human being does; mistakes are not what every human being is. However, some of us get this confused. When we make a mistake, we experience guilt. When we believe that we are a mistake, we experience shame. Guilt is about something I've done; shame is about someone I am. How do we discern what we believe?


Terry Bone is an author who studies, writes about and speaks extensively about blessing. Terry defines a blessing as "a word, act or ceremony.. that conveys Heaven’s perspective on who we are, and when received, it speaks identity and destiny into our hearts."

  • When do we receive blessing?

  • Have we been sufficiently blessed?

  • What if we missed blessings during critical life-stages of development?

  • Can we recover missed blessings?

In a book entitled "The Ancient Paths," these life-stages are identified as: 1. Conception 2. Pregnancy 3. Birth 4. Early Childhood 5. Teen Years 6. Adulthood 7. Senior Years. It is critical that we receive blessing at these important "border crossing stages of life." They often determine a person's understanding and belief about: "Who am I?" and "Where I'm going?" Identity and Destiny.

In part II, we will talk about the 7 critical questions that must be answered at life's border crossings, and how blessing answers those questions. While waiting for that, consider this: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ," Ephesians 1:3. For people who have a true and meaningful love relationship with Jesus, God has blessings that He not only wants us to believe, He wants us to receive. Until next time.
